“BE GROUNDED AND BALANCED" with Senses, Sounds and Serenity at 10am to 12pm on Oct 8, 2016! Limited mats, BOOK ONLINE NOW at http://www.yunyogaportraits.com!
10月8日早上10點至中午12點「Be Grounded & Balanced」瑜珈靜心與喜馬拉雅頌缽!現在開放線上預約,席位有限,趕快報名!
This class will focus on the qualities of grounding and balancing in life. Join us on a beautiful morning!
GOOD NEWS! From 8th of October onward, there will be regular classes of Yoga, Meditation & Himalayan Singing Bowls. In addition to our Saturday class, we will open another two classes on 16th & 30th of October, Sunday.
1) Our participants on 24th & 25th of Sept can enjoy the promotions of purchasing 4 classes at the price of HKD1000 (Standard price is HKD350 per 2-hour class) with expiry date of 31st December 2016.
2) If you have missed our opening trials in Sept, there is a chance to join us on 8th of October at the price of HKD280!
If it’s 1st trial and booking without purchasing the Pass of 4 classes, advance payment is required ☺
Remember to turn on your phone speaker and have a taste of this healing melody~
1) 為感謝九月份參與我們推廣日的朋友,特別推出僅港幣1000元即可購買4堂課的套票通行證(單堂課價格為港幣350元),並且可以用至今年底。 2) 如果您錯失了參與九月份推廣日,10月8日有另一個以HKD280試堂的推廣活動。敬請把握!