Several years ago I learned about “seven chakras” at 1st time and was really amazed by such delicate and colourful system in our subtle body.
Chakra refers to the energy centers within our body. There are major 7 chakras with the colour from red to purple, just like a rainbow. The widsom of chakra provides a very comprehensive approach to examine and to reflect on our life expereinces.
My interest in our subtle body goes further after studying aura soma this year. Auroa Soma is a self-selective system based on the colours you choose for inner inquiry and reflection. The teacher, Ms. Sophia Chen, asked me why I want to atted aura soma training?
今年,我開始研讀靈性彩油,加深了對人體能量場的興趣。「靈性彩油 」是根據自己所選的彩油顏色,來解析探索身心靈的一個系統。我的彩油老師Sophia問我為什麼想來上課?
“I want to SEE what my physical eyes can not see” I replied without thinking too much…
I was bit surprised by my own answer; however, my words were truly from my heart. I didn't mean developing the clairvoyant ability but an intuitive insight into the nature of the self.
After all our gross body is interlinked with our subtle body. The more I walk on the path of Yoga, the more I feel both are equally important. Just like the practicality and spirituality, they are the same in nature if we live our life with consciousness.
We all have this rainbow path in us regardless of whether we know it or not. This colordful tresure I had been sitting on for so many years, now it’s the time to go within…