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My Guru Prasad always reminds his students that Yoga philosophy must be practiced in reality. Since I followed my Guru Prasad, my life has been transformed constantly through life. I deeply believe that the ancient wisdom of Yoga is still so relevant in modern days.

With my Guru's encouragement, I started filming videos about the practicality of Yoga wisdom. Below are first three videos in Chinese. 

​Latest video can be found on my facebook, youtube, IG or the blog in this website. 

想要與需要 Wants and Needs

想要與需要 Wants and Needs

剛跟瑜珈恩師帕薩德老師學習時,他提到:「傳統上,每個星期四是『上師』日,表達對其教導的感恩。」 今天剛好星期四,所以我想分享多年前與恩師相遇時,他曾說過的一句話。 那句話,當下震撼了我,敲開了一個縫,讓光走進來..... 影片結尾,分享瑜珈古籍《薄伽梵歌》中的兩段話。這兩段話,也次次在人生路上提醒著我。 「瑜珈哲理,一定要能落實在生活中。」這是上師時時對我們耳提面命的,而我也如此地傳承著。 感謝上師,讓我多年前能遇到您。 *《薄伽梵歌(Bhagavad Gita)》意指「神聖之歌(Bhagavad:神,Gita:歌)」,共18章,700句,是印度史詩《摩訶婆羅多》中的一段對話。《薄伽梵歌》是聖雄甘地的精神泉源,不單在印度,美國思想文學家愛默生、瑞士心理學家榮格、德國詩人小說家赫曼.赫賽,以及《湖濱散記》的美國作家梭羅等都深受《薄伽梵歌》的影響。 * Every Thursday is Guru’s day and I would like to share my dear Guru’s words when we met at first time today. Many years ago I “accidentally” signed up his workshop in Hong Kong. To be honest, I can’t recall at all what this workshop was about; however, I clearly remember the moment he blow my mind by saying “ Life will not give you everything you want but it will provide you with what you need” No one until then had told me that life works in this way. I had been taught to fight for success, to chase my dream, to accumulate more and more since childhood. Then I started to contemplate on the difference between “want” and “need”. It is normal and healthy to have a clear vision and goal in life. However, the hook is the obsession with the desirable outcome, the attachment to either failure or success. This creates a cycle of endless chasing and suffering. After embarking on the journey of Yoga with Guru Prasad, I gradually loosen my grip and trust life more. Firstly, it’s the clarity on what to do in one’s own life. It is said in Bhagavad Gita (2.48), “Perform your duty equipoised, O Arjuna, abandoning all attachment to success or failure. Such equanimity is called yoga.” With clarity, little by little, my heart is willing to surrender and let go of my egocentric wants, just like lotus said once more from the Gita (5.10), “One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water.” My deepest gratitude to Guru Prasad for showing me the light from within. Christmas Gift Photo by Mike Arney on Unsplash Flower on hands by Lina Trochez on Unsplash Girl looking up by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash Overlooking the ocean Photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash Zen Stone Music by Alexander Blu from #薄伽梵歌 #博伽梵歌 #瑜珈哲理
情緒 Emotions

情緒 Emotions

思索了一下,若要分享瑜伽對我的幫助,第一個主題一定是「情緒」! 我以前的情緒起伏很大,但開始跟帕薩德老師學習瑜伽後,獲得很大的改善。 這個影片分享了我對瑜珈學說「五身層」的小小心得,內容主要是延伸解釋「情緒」和「價值觀(信念)」之間的關係。 若您對五身層想進一步了解,歡迎參閱我的另一篇文章(連結如下)。 Above video is talking from my experience on learning the relationship between emotions and beliefs in life based on my Guru Prasad’s teaching on Pancha Kosha in Yoga. I used to be very emotional to a point that I couldn’t control my mood swing and the flunctuation of my emotions drained my life away. My Guru explains that emotion is enery in motion, a messenger. Underneath the emotions, it’s our value and belief towards life. With limiting belief, he said, “ it’s like rubbish in the bin and the odor is like emotion.” Usually we will clean the bin rather than covering it up; however, what we would do with emotions is very often to ignore it and suppress it. What I did before is to suppress my emotions and mistakenly consider this is a sign of matuirty. After I studied yoga with my Guru, I gradually realise the best to tame our emotion is to accept, listen and use it as a tool to bring more awareness into life. If you are interested in Pancha Kosha thoery, below link is for further study :) 五身層瑜伽也是分離! Sad Girl sitting Photo by Andrew Le on Unsplash Happy Girl smiling Photo by Charles Postiaux on Unsplash Music by Alexander Blu from #情緒管理 #五身層 #瑜珈五身層 #瑜珈哲理
「揚升自己!」Lift yourself by your own efforts

「揚升自己!」Lift yourself by your own efforts

感恩多年前遇到瑜珈上師帕薩德老師,但是有了上師,不代表一切變的輕鬆,反而要誠實面對小我的無明、恐懼和懷疑。 今天的影片,分享有關為何要「揚升自己」,以及瑜珈古籍《薄伽梵歌》的智慧。 之前,上師要我製作三個影片,今天這是第三個。我計畫每月個都能有一個關於「瑜伽智慧很實用」的影片,跟大家分享:) 上週我親愛的上師又給我一個新挑戰:舉辦臉書現場直播! 很快跟大家宣布,期待我們線上即時交流。 I am very grateful for having my Guru Prasad in this life. He has been nudging me constantly to face my ego self and limited mind. This is the key point in the path of Yoga. We as individuals have to make the efforts by one's own to transform our life. Guru will guide you but you have to walk the path. I clearly remembered a cloudy and gloomy day; however, there was one patchy area without any clouds and I could see blue and bright above the darkness. The scene really inspired me and later on I learned from the Bhagavid Gita 6.5, " Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self." Einstein also said, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it." No matter the issues or problems are from family, work or society, we have to fly high by our own efforts in order to resolve them. Otherwise, we will be the same loop of questioning and doubting over and over again. In the time of Corona virus, it is challenging to me as well. Guru Prasad reminds us that we have to use this opporunity to enhance our awareness by observing how we "react" to the news flooding into our mind every day. Once we are aware of how we react, there is a chance to pause our impulsiveness and drive the course of thought direction to wider and higher perspective for flying high:) Simple-peaceful-piano melody by Alexander Blu from #薄伽梵歌 #博伽梵歌 #揚升自己

© 2015 By Yun.Yoga.Portraits.

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