
「吠檀多 (Vedanta)」是從吠陀奧義經典中出現的其中一種哲學。所謂「吠檀多」,意思是「吠陀(Veda)的精華」。
我注意到,學生們通常只學習來自商羯羅大師(Adi Shankara)的吠檀多「不二論 (Advaita)」,並且以為這是唯一的吠檀多觀點。這是對宣揚不同吠檀多觀點的哲學導師們(Acharya)的誤解。列舉這些導師,包括羅摩奴闍(Ramanuja Acharya)的「差別不二論(Vishishta Advaita)」,摩陀婆(Madhva Acharya)的「二元論(Dvaita)」,以及伐拉巴(Vallabha Acharya)的純粹不二論(Shuddha Advaita),還有更多其他。
然而,吠檀多哲學的美麗之處在於它已經被導師們長期多元地反思、分析、解釋和調整,從公元六世紀高帕達(Gaudapada),到公元十六世紀伐拉巴(Vallabhacharya ),一直到2017年的宣佈另一個吠檀多理論(創立者:Shri Svaminarayan十八世紀)有別於其他吠檀多哲學論述,並命名為「Aksharapurushottama Vedanta」(Akshara-不滅永恆;Purushottma-最高本我;Vedanta-吠檀多)
Vedanata is one of the philosophies emerging from Vedic Upanishadic corpus. Vedanta means the essence of Veda. I have noticed that students often end up studying only the "Advaita" Vedanta(non-dual view) of Adi Shankara thinking of it to be the only view on Vedanta. This would be a big disservice to the scholarly interpretations of other Acharyas(philosopher-teachers) who propagated different views on Vedanta, like Ramanuja Acharya(Vishista Advaita-qualified monism), Madhva Acharya (Dvaita-dual view), Vallabha Acharya (Shuddha Advaita-purely non-dual view), and many others.
Though Shankara Advaitavada (Vedantic non-dualism) is popular amongst academics, scholars & educated people in India, if you really view the masses, most of them follow either the Vishistadvaita or Dvaita ideals. In a highly religious country like India, where Goddesses & Gods are an integral aspect of daily life, the non-dual view seems hard to filter into social consciousness.
The beauty of Vedantic philosophy is that it has been reflected upon, analyzed, interpreted & adopted in diverse ways by Acharyas over time - from Gaudapada in 6th C.E. to Vallabhacharya in 16th C.E., to as late as 2017 with Shri Svaminarayan's Aksharapurushottama Vedanta.
Their interpretation give diverse views, at times even diametrically opposite - as in, Adi Shankara proclaims Jiva(individual principle) & Brahma (Absolute principle) are the same, Madhvacharya claiming Jiva (individual principle) & Brahma(Absolute principle) are not the same, and so on.
Diversity of views have been the basis of Vedic culture. These Acharyas had the freedom to interpret Upanishads in their own way because it was not blasphemous to do so. Dissent, disagreement, debates were valid aspects of Indic philosophy, pedagogy and scholarship.
My request to those interested in Yoga & Vedanta is to study different views of various Acharyas & not just agree with what is popular or well marketed.
Above all, let us not forget that these diverse views have been presented by the Acharyas not for mere scholarship, but to aid Moksha- the final liberation. So, beyond the philosophies & polemics what really matters is the purity of mind & heart.